Thursday, August 6, 2009

Self worth is devoid of self

What qualifies to be a stereotypical life .I am yet to find out. Our marketing prof a NM was telling the other day "If you wonder why you are doing an MBA course most probably you will keep wondering your entire life " I am sure a lot of us wonder what is it that we are running after tirelessly. Mostly the answer would be a promotion .. Dig deeper.. what does that mean ?.. more money ; better lifestyle ; and surely a a sense of satisfaction and self worth.. The word self worth is very vast - almost everything on earth can be related to self worth.. It's no wonder then that all these feeling of self worth come from external acknowledgements.. So self worth very rarely depends on self , rather it is the perception of the outside world that makes the world of difference.. that's some discovery ..PP's first law of self realization hehehehe..

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