Monday, August 31, 2009

Demystifying the "DO"como phenomenon

When I first saw the billboard near Amar Juice(that's near Cooper Hospital,Mumbai) the words Docomo seemed to shout at me.The simple black blackground with just the DOCOMO in startling orange, yellow and red and an inconspicious TATA in white was enough to rouse my curiousity.Well as we all know by now NTT DoCoMO is a Japanese telecom company that has acquired 26% stake for $2.7 billion last year in Tata Teleservices.Thats how Tata has come up with its GSM offering by the name of Tata Docomo.Though in the already crowded telecom space it's a new entrant,but coming from the house of Tata it has all the ingredients of a being a moneyspinner for TATA:

** the per second pulse and is being marketed very well though the concept is not novel, BPL Mobile had introduced it once way back in 2004
** the name of TATA - gives a tremendous sense of trust for generations.They are too sure of themselves and hence 26% partner shares 74% of logo space ;)
** its again targeted at the Aam Admi and Tatas for sure know that India has its share of common people who can give mind blogging volumes.
** Though it is a part of Tata Teleservices but the branding is completely different from Tata Indicomm ; TATA Docomo is trying to generate an identity not related to TATA Indicomm. Though TATA Indicomm is only in the GSM space, one might wonder why TATA wanted to create something completely different when they could have easily piggybacked with the Indicomm brother which has already achieved reach across the length and breadth of the country.
** This goes on to show that TATA is not quite keen to extend the Indicomm portfolio and going by the publicity generated in the different social networking sites ( by Docomo ) Indicomm might just get to play the second fiddle
** Whatever might be the case in the end it will be the consumers laughing all the way. The Indian Telecomm sector is proving to be a hotbed for innovations and customisations :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Power Of Failure

I always feel there is more to failure than what meets the eye. For starters it's something you can crib about :) and yess people do njoy listening to sad failures than amazing successes.. for once u dont have to feel those jealous glances.. if its sympathy you r looking for or some caring loving words .. then u suurely need to fail .. hehe .. moving on to serious issues and opinions - I strongly feel that failing rather than succeeding is more important , coz unless u fail u dont go bk to the drawing board ..overhauling the whole structure. u think u plan and then u work harder .. otherwise u just accept that you need to focus on something different and you give up.. giving up isn't a bad idea .. Sachin gave up studies, so did Kareena.. who says you need to be a graduate to make it big in life?... Studies are for people who r afraid of the unknown .. like ME ..hehe.. people who arent confident of themselves need acreditions from AICTE  e.t.c .. so basically all xam's are a sign of insecurity .. the need to be acknowledged for something that you know you are capable of.. isn't that disturbing..considering we all consider xams to be our milestones to success... they r actually milestones of failure.. wow... thats some conclusion

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Self worth is devoid of self

What qualifies to be a stereotypical life .I am yet to find out. Our marketing prof a NM was telling the other day "If you wonder why you are doing an MBA course most probably you will keep wondering your entire life " I am sure a lot of us wonder what is it that we are running after tirelessly. Mostly the answer would be a promotion .. Dig deeper.. what does that mean ?.. more money ; better lifestyle ; and surely a a sense of satisfaction and self worth.. The word self worth is very vast - almost everything on earth can be related to self worth.. It's no wonder then that all these feeling of self worth come from external acknowledgements.. So self worth very rarely depends on self , rather it is the perception of the outside world that makes the world of difference.. that's some discovery ..PP's first law of self realization hehehehe..